Dual Cure Resin Composite

Universal Resin Cement


URC is the first moist-bonding resin cement. It is formulated with an advanced, hydrophilic, Resin Acid-Integrating Network (R.A.I.N) that is unique. The material bonds in a slightly moist field.

URC is self-adhesive, forming chemical bonds to dentine and enamel, Precious metals, ceramics, composites, and fiber posts. Bonding agents are not required; however, they may be used if desired. Etching untreated enamel surfaces is indicated, but it is not necessary to etch dentine.

URC is indicated for cementation of PFM, gold Cerec, and all-ceramic and all-ceramic crowns; inlays; gold, metal, titanium, and fiber posts; Maryland Bridges and veneers; and for bonding stainless steel and nylon splinting materials.

The viscosity of the cement is ideally suited for luting applications. It is filled with both sub-micron and micron-sized particles. The film thickness is 14 microns. Oxygen Inhibiting Gel can be placed over the margins to prevent the formation of an oxygen-inhibited layer.

How To Use Automix Syringe

  1. Remove the cap and place a mixing tip on the Automix syringe.
  2. To ensure an even mix of base and catalyst, dispense a small drop (2-3mm) of the premixed portion of the cement onto a pad and discard.
  3. Dispense mixed cement directly onto the tooth or into the restoration.
  4. Discard the mixing tip. Recap syringe. Do not cross-contaminate the base and catalyst.

Instructions For Use

Slightly moist surfaces exhibit neither dryness nor pooling of water.

Remove excess water with compressed air or a cotton pellet.

Surfaces should be glossy. Overly wet surfaces will result in decreased bond strength. 

For Post Cementation 

  1. Prepare the post hole.
  2. Rinse and remove excess water with a short blast of air or paper points. Leave dentine slightly moist.
  3. Etching and bonding agents are not required.
  4. Automix  Universal Resin Cement by placing a mixing tip on the double-barrel syringe and dispensing material. If using standard syringes, dispense equal amounts of base and catalyst on a mixing pad and mix completely with a suitable spatula for 20 seconds—carefully recap syringes. Do not cross-contaminate the base and catalyst.
  5. Place cement into the canal without creating voids.
  6. Seat post.
  7. Remove excess cement.
  8. Light cure for 40 seconds. The cement will continue to auto-cure for 7-8minutes. Treatment can be completed once the cure is completed.

 For Inlays And Onlays 

  1. Rinse tooth preparation and remove excess water. Leave tooth surfaces slightly moist.
  2. Automix URC by dispensing material and placing a mixing tip on the double-barrel syringe. If using standard syringes, dispense equal amounts of base and catalyst on a mixing pad and mix completely with a suitable spatula for 20 seconds—carefully recap syringes. Do not cross-contaminate the base and catalyst.
  3. Place cement into the preparation and seat the restoration.
  4. Remove excess cement with dental floss while maintaining positive pressure on the inlay or inlay. Cement may bond to the adjacent tooth if the excess is not removed.
  5. Apply oxygen-inhibiting gel on the margins to eliminate the air-inhibited layer.
  6. Light cure 20-30 seconds. URC will continue to auto-cure for 7-8 minutes until complete curing. 


Uncured material may cause eye or skin irritation on contact. Dental professionals should wear safety glasses and surgical gloves.

Storage & Shelf Life

Storage tightly sealed in the original container at cool room temperature. 

Avoid direct light, extremes of temperature, contamination, and source of ignition. 

Shelf life of the unopened product: 2 Years from date of manufacture.

*Dental Material for use by Dental professionals in the practice of dentistry.
*Not for medicinal use.