Root Canal Sealing and Filling Material (Resin Based)
Powder and liquid are mixed to produce a root canal filling material of excellent sealing capacity.
Resino-Seal allows tightly sealing root canal obturation of excellent tissue compatibility
Resino Seal Powder : Bismuth oxide, Methenamine, Titanium dioxide.
Resino Seal Liquid : Epoxy resin
Permanent obturation of root canals of teeth of the secondary dentition with or without the aid of obturation points.
Hypersensitivity against epoxy resins or other components of the root canal filling materials.
- Do not use Resino Seal if a person is allergic to epoxy resins.
- Avoid contact with powder or resin and unset paste with skin or oral mucosa.
- After incidental contact, wash and rinse with plenty of water.
- Wear protective gloves and glasses.
Interactions With Other Dental Materials
Resino Seal may react with hydrogen peroxide if left in the root canal after irrigation.
Adverse Reactions
With sealers containing epoxy resins, the following adverse reactions were reported:
- Reversible acute inflammation of the oral mucosa after contact with the unset paste.
- In individual cases, local and systemic allergic reactions have been reported.
Preparation Of Root Canal
Dosage & Mixing
Powder and liquid are mixed on a glass slab using a metal spatula. 2 to 3 volume units of powder are mixed with 1 volume unit of resin. Mix to a homogeneous consistency which breaks when lifted 1.5 to 2.5 cm (1/2 to 1 inch) above the glass slab.
If a particularly fluid mix is required, the glass slab with the cement mixture may be carefully warmed over an alcohol flame
Apply the mixed cement onto the tip of a Lentilo spiral.
To avoid the formation of air bubbles in the material and overfilling of the canal, advance the lentilo spiral slowly to the apex running at a very low speed.
Withdraw Lentilo very slowly still running at low speed.
If the Resino seal is used in combination with gutta-percha points or other cores and if there is the risk of overfilling, use reamers to apply the Resino seal into the canal.
Choose a reamer of the size of the last instrument used during apical root canal preparation.
Place the Resino seal by a pumping action of the reamer with simultaneous rotary movement in a counterclockwise direction. It is only necessary to apply a light coating of Resino Seal.
Dip the disinfected and dry master point into the Resino seal and with pumping motions slowly push it into the canals. Additional gutta-percha points and lateral or vertical condensation methods can be applied.
Cleaning Of Instruments
Spatulas, mixing slabs and instruments should be cleaned immediately after use with alcohol or acetone.
Setting Times
The setting time according to ISO 6867:1986 (E) ranges between 9 and 15 hours at 37° C.
Store at room temperature.
Keep powder bottle and resin bottle tightly closed.
*Dental Material for use by Dental professionals in the practice of dentistry.
*Not for medicinal use.