Root Canal Preparation Gel
Prep Canal


  • EDTA 15% W/v.
  • Carbamide peroxide 10% W/v.
  • In a water Soluble Gel Base.

Instructions For Use

The tooth to be treated should be isolated with a rubber dam.

The pulp chamber is opened in the usual manner. The chamber contents are removed with burs and excavators and then flushed with sodium Hypochlorite solution. The pulp chamber is then filled with PREP CANAL.

The sodium Hypochlorite solution will react with the peroxide and the bubbling will help open the orifices of the canal.

A fine instrument, reamer or file, is then introduced into the canal, mixing motion will enhance the bubbling and float out debris. The first instrument should not be placed more than half the way down the canal. This action is then followed by gentle irrigation with sodium Hypochlorite solution.

The procedure is repeated adding PREP CANAL to the pulp chamber. This time, the instrument is carried to approximately 3/4 the distance of the canal.

The mild rotation of the instrument will encourage more debris to be floated from the canal. When a vital pulp is present, it is not unusual to see the entire pulp float to the surface or be removed with the file.

After gentle irrigation, the instrument is again inserted to approximately one mm. Short of the radiographic apex and an x-ray film taken to confirm the measurement. This measurement should be recorded and/or corrections made.

Using this technique reduces the likelihood of inoculating the periapical tissues with the inflamed or infected contents of the canal. It helps reduce post operative discomforts and helps prevent flare ups.

In teeth with two or more roots, the effervescent activity will tend to cleanse the pulp chamber and open the orifices of the canals, making it easier to find the entrance and easier to insert the root canal instruments.

Never proceed to the next size instrument until the previous instrument passes freely to the desired position in the canal.

The PREP CANAL is used in the chamber and canals only with the first two or three sizes of instruments. The canals should be further prepared using sodium hypochlorite solution only with the next one or two instruments’ sizes. There is usually enough residual activity of the Prep Canal to lift out the remaining pulp tissue and debris.

Sodium Hypochlorite solution should be used in the canals and repeatedly instrumented into the canals until all evidence of bubbling has ceased. The canals can be dried with absorbent points and the medicaments of choice sealed into the canals and chamber in the hope of opening calcified canals. Residual organic tissues might react with the peroxide and cause pressure and discomfort.

Always irrigate the canals and chamber with sodium Hypochlorite solution until all evidence of bubbling has ceased.

For Chemo-Mechanical Preparation Of Root Canals

  • Facilitate Cleansing and Shaping of the Root Canal. The EDTA helps remove calcium salts from the calcifications and from the canal surface permitting the reamers and files to more rapidly cleanse and shape the canal.
  • Pulp Tissue-Vital and/or necrotic is more easily removed from the canal when irrigated with Hypochlorite solution the oxygen bubbles released from the urea peroxide float up the pulp tissue, shavings, and other debris.
  • Helps brighten the tooth if discolored in addition to its ability to digest pulp tissue. This process is enhanced by the oxygen liberated from urea peroxide.
  • Enhances the penetration of medicaments throughout the root canal system by its ability to completely clean the canal & open the dentinal tubules.


Prep Canal is available in a packing of 2 tubes × 3.5 gm each tube with applicator tips.

*Dental Material for use by Dental professionals in the practice of dentistry.
*Not for medicinal use.